So my sister-in-law asked if I could make a cake for her dad's 60th birthday bash! She had asked if I wanted to be nice and just make a "Happy Birthday" cake or since he's turning the BIG 6-0 if it should be something more mean. Without hesitation I said "MEAN, definitely!"
We thought of a couple different ideas like a black hill with a sprig of grass on the top, a dinosaur, which then led to a fossil cake. That would be fun!
After looking online a couple days I couldn't really find something that I liked and looked real. So I "winged" it. I am NEVER one to toot my own horn, or pat my own back, or whatever you say. But, I was SO happy with how it turned out. You have to believe me when I say that it looked so much better in person than in these pictures.
We thought of a couple different ideas like a black hill with a sprig of grass on the top, a dinosaur, which then led to a fossil cake. That would be fun!
After looking online a couple days I couldn't really find something that I liked and looked real. So I "winged" it. I am NEVER one to toot my own horn, or pat my own back, or whatever you say. But, I was SO happy with how it turned out. You have to believe me when I say that it looked so much better in person than in these pictures.
Here is the fossil (marshmallow fondant) before I put it on the cake

We had a lot of fun being Paleontologists ;) Now thinking about it, it would have been fun to cover the bones with the dirt and give him the brush to find it himself.

The dirt was made out of crushed cookies and graham crackers.

Sweet Rebecca and I doing our thang!!

All done, now just one more thing left....the eggs...

I wasn't planning on making these dinosaur eggs but I "overcooked" my first cake and had to make another one. What to do with a cake you can't use?? Make cake pops of course!!!

These honestly were so good. I don't know if it was cause of the marble cake or the cocoa powder that was dusted on them (by Rebecca ;)!

Rebecca with Jonah. He had just eaten a M&M doughnut that dear Rebecca had bought for us. Yes she was very naughty and got a dozen doughnuts for us to eat. Did I mention I'm trying to eat healthier?? Not this day....actually this weekend. We had doughnuts, Javiers, cake (2 kinds), ice cream (with all the toppings you can imagine), and cake pops!! Ugh I feel heavier just thinking about it. But it all was OH SO GOOD!!

My baby girl after her pink doughnut...not sure what she's doing....probably just waiting for me to giver her some more.

And the final presentation!! See that dino egg on the left with the big SPOT on top?? That was dibbed mine....right after I had dropped it on the floor ;( I have to say it tasted just fine! We had to keep it because it would have messed up our egg count.

not only was it SO CUTE & CREATIVE, but it was absolutely DELICIOUS!! Let me help you pat your back- you are Fantabulous! When I turn 60, I'm expecting something amazing. You have 25 years advanced notice. :)
I agree, you are a culinary genius. Love ya
Ok Celeste I will make sure I have that on my TO DO: list! Hmmm 25 years worth of thinking and pondering...could be kinda crazy!!!!
Hi there! I came across your site as I was looking for inspiration for a fossil cake of my own. Yours was by far the best one that I came across and was exactly what I wanted! You can see my version of it here:
- Megan
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