We left for Boston on Thursday the 30th of April. For those of you who don't know, Danny decided to try out selling security systems for the summer and this is where they sent us.

WooHoo ROAD TRIP! Well, not as much fun as I thought, driving about 12 hours a day for 3 days. We finally made it on Saturday night about 9:00 pm Boston time. (Still trying to get used to the 2 hour time change.) Although, I don't think I could ask for two better kids to take the trip with. They were AMAZING! I love them SO much!

Here are just a few things that helped us along the way...

Some foam animal stickers that my good friend Brooke gave to Jonah...which ended up everywhere in the car...i'm sure there are a few still under the seats.

An air freshener for those cow farms, poopy diapers, and those unexpected SBD's...

A DVD player (that didn't work half of the first day because a fuse blew)

So we gave him a coloring book....

and a marker... found out he just liked the marker... it kept him pretty occupied.

a GPS... because guys don't like to stop and ask for directions.

My FAVORITE! Because, I don't like water...

Some Goldfish for Jonah

Nilla Wafers (they were supposed to be for Jonah...but, I think I ate most of them)

Jonah & Allix bonded...

I thought these clouds were so weird because they were in lines.

We saw a TON of windmills...

and I LOVED it when this happened. Boston, here we come!